What does Angora SDK do?
The SDK allows the developer to add ways to track user behavior. After installing it in your application, it will have access to several methods in charge of processing data, events, metrics and sending it to the Angora platform, where they can be better analyzed.
Example: The application fires an event and it is captured by the SDK. The data from this event is sent to your platform to display an analysis on your dashboard.
Main concepts of Angora
Events: They are synthetic actions (software actions) or organic actions (user actions) performed in your application, which generate metrifiable data.
Analyses: Visual representations of your platform data through graphics.
Dashboards: Customizable canvas to group analyses.
Workspaces: Angora platform where your company's events, configurations, projects, dashboards and analyses are located.
Projects: They are responsible for creating the isolation between each application that will be tracked. Example: one project analyzes the tracking of your website while another is aimed at your mobile application.
Access with magic link: Authentication without password, carried out through a link sent to those with corporate email registered in your workspace.